
The Fencing Fox software complies with the FIE requirements to manage fencing competitions. It has been certified by the FIE in June 2018 and is listed in the French Federation FFE organisation rules.

It provides the following functionalities :

- Runs on Mac OS, Windows, Linux

- Planning of the event : computation of schedules in parallel tracks

- Handling of several competitions in the same workspace

- Poule and tableau handling

- Handling of teams or italian relays

- Illimited poule and tableau size

- Flexible formula handling with repechage, exempted, fenced places, derived competitions, progressive entries

- Backtracking on competition workflow in case of errors

- Automatic backup

- Handisport features

- Easy transfer of a competition state from one computer to another

- Referee random drawing according to affiliation criteria, piste planning

- Generation of colour PDF result files

- English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, German versions

- FIE xml files import/export, cvs import

- Web result publication on demand

- "ecoprint" option to spare printing ink

- Connection to scoring machines using the Cyrano FIE standard

- Remote display of results on screens (potentially using Raspberry Pi)

- Hit by hit real time display

- Piste remote monitoring

- Score input in central using remote smartphones including digital signature

Last update February 2021- Copyright © AFC Europe 2014-2021